
  • 3304 Hines Rd, Kingsville, OH 44048, US
  • Email:

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    Frequently asked questions

    My order hasn't arrived yet. Where is it?

    Track your order via the email we send you when you order the product. If the product order is lost after the expected time, you can contact us for a refund

    When will product refunds be issued?

    We will refund in the following cases

    • For defective products such as torn or damaged products due to transportation
    • Because we sent the wrong product to you
    • Products will not be returned if you order the wrong size, we always have tips for your size
    How long is the shipping time?

    We prepare the packaging within 1 to 2 days. We will send the order to the shipping unit as quickly as possible.

    • Product shipping time in the US is usually 3-8 days.
    • The rest of the world from 7-18 days

    Depending on where you live. Sometimes it may be slower than expected due to epidemics, weather or shipping units.